Star Documentum Connector


Star Documentum Connector for Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) is the solution that brings together Hitachi HCP state of the art content archiving functionality for large volumes of data and the facilities provided by EMC Documentum, the leading Enterprise Content Management platform. Seamlessly integrated into existing enterprise content management infrastructure, both for the end user and for the Documentum applications, this product allows EMC Documentum repositories to store content within HCP appliances in addition to the usual storage areas.

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Star Documentum Connector for HCP enables EMC Documentum to seamlessly use Hitachi Content Platform as an external storage area. And brings many more benefits than just regular storage areas.

  • Scalable: Uses fastest and best technology to link the two systems (http/https), through two distinct components – one to push content and one to get it on request;
  • No impact on users: All operations are transparent to any application using Documentum;
  • No restrictions: Documentum core functions to manage documents and to apply Documentum level retention can be fully used in the normal way;
  • Minimize costs and risks;
  • Improve compliance with policies, procedures and archiving regulations;
  • Read-only environment to store regulated Documentum content;
  • Enforces Documentum retention at content level;
  • Archives any Documentum content object;
  • Aggregates both content and metadata on HCP allowing searches to be performed independent of Documentum availability;
  • Compatibility
    • All versions of Documentum from EMC Documentum 5.3  to Documentum 16.4;
    • Hitachi Content Platform (HCP): 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x;
    • Sistem de operare: Windows, HP-UX, AIX, SuSE, RedHat, Solaris.
  • Move or just copy documents from Documentum (normal filesystem, SAN, NAS or CAS storage) to HCP;
  • Create a secondary copy at archiving time with automatic fallback feature;
  • Automatic failover and fallback for replicated HCPs;
  • The transfer is multithreading and in batch mode with tuning parameters available (e.g.: how many parallel transfers, how many documents should be transferred in one job run, content chunk size);
  • Transfer Documentum retention or set a retention time to HCP (including “unlimited”/“initial unspecified” retention period);
  • The retention update is possible after the initial archiving operation;
  • Transfer Documentum Retention Policy holds at individual content objects;
  • Copy Documentum metadata at content level in HCP;
  • Non-disruptive migration services from the existing storages to HCP;
  • Uses fastest and best technology to communicate with HCP (http/https);
  • Ability to check the consistency of all or some migrated data;
  • Ability to restore logical Documentum deleted objects based on an existing HCP copy with no downtime;
  • Ability to repair Documentum filesystem based on existing HCP copies;
  • Scheduled archiving or near real-time;
  • Installation on multiple Documentum repositories;
  • Send email notifications when errors occur during the migration or data copying processes;
  • Administrated with the existing Documentum configuration tool –Documentum Administrator.
  • Avoid content and metadata lock-in in order to reach new opportunities;
  • Decongest data flow by archiving rarely accessed or immutable content, based on a defined rule;
  • Bring multi-tenancy in Documentum enabling private-cloud architectures;
  • Simplified Documentum backup/restore procedures – improved IT architecture as the backup footprint is reduced by moving to HCP the files which don’t need to be modified;
  • Easily integrate additional storage with no disruptions;
  • Use the HCP storage system for content and metadata recovery;
  • Simplified eDiscovery – both content and metadata are on HCP therefore allowing searches to be performed independent of Documentum availability (or encompassing multiple sources);
  • Increased content availability by automatically creating and accessing a secondary content location or by automatically using failover/fallback options for replicated HCPs;
  • Fully use Documentum core functions (e.g. apply Documentum level retention);
  • Easy to install and scalable solution considering the customer infrastructure and needs;
  • Reduce cost and complexity via a single active archive repository, expedite content retrieval, place archived data on lower-cost storage tiers; reduce duplicate copies of the same data. Save time and money;
  • Reduce risk of fines and penalties for not meeting regulatory compliance or providing timely responses to audit and legal discovery requests. Protect your business;
  • Protect and secure content. Provide a high-availability environment, authenticate file integrity and access and enforce retention rules. HCP offers a read-only medium to store regulated content (e.g. corporate records) while enforcing retention, hold and shred options in order to control content deletion;
  • Collaborate in developing, managing, distributing and archiving essential information for business processes – including documents, emails, web pages, records and multimedia via EMC Documentum.
  • Packaged Product – Certified by HDS and EMC the product is targeted at solving basic needs with the ability to expand further according to specific customer needs;
  • Extensible – Extensible beyond the capabilities of most custom solutions;
  • Quick Deployment – A smooth add-on to the EMC Documentum platform;
  • Fast ROI – A low cost barrier combined with a fast solution for basic needs means organizations can achieve ROI very quickly;
  • The filename and folder stored in HCP is exactly as on the file system used by Documentum;
  • Seamlessly integrated with EMC Documentum and with any other Documentum application;
  • Built for compatibility – works on old and new Documentum versions;
  • No requirements or limitations on the custom business processes and applications used on top of the Documentum platform, empowering customers to use rules such as Content Archiving Services, Retention Policy Services, lifecycle or custom development to manage content as usual;
  • Leverage to your advantage the best of HCP and Documentum storage practices: HTTP multithreading acces, file system structure design, custom metadata storage, security;
  • Maximum performance and reliability using native code programming.

Archived content while using advanced storage functions such as de-duplication, search and discovery, retention management.

Easy, self–explanatory user interface and full integration in both EMC Documentum and HCP.

Proven quality, highest security and innovative technology of HCP.

Transparent access for content stored in HCP by EMC Documentum users or any other Documentum based applications administrator without the need of learning new tools.


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