Transforming support functions
through Document Management and Automation
Supporting functions like Finance, HR, and Legal form the backbone of any organization, often relying heavily on document-centric processes. Efficient management and automation of these documents are crucial for streamlining workflows, ensuring compliance, and enhancing productivity. SEAL’s content services and automation platform empowers these departments by providing tailored solutions that address the unique challenges of document management.
Sample Departmental Use Cases
Customer Service
- Unified Customer Folder: Centralize all customer-related documents for improved service and quick access.
- Feedback and Complaints Management: Automate the capture and organization of customer feedback, complaints, and inquiries to ensure responsive customer service and valuable insights into customer satisfaction.
Human Resources
- HR Documentation Automation: Streamline the creation, management, and distribution of HR-related documents.
- HR Documents Archiving: Securely archive sensitive HR documents with easy retrieval options.
- HR Documents Self-Service: Enable employees to access their personal documents independently.
Finance & Administration
- Invoice to Payment: Automate the entire invoice processing cycle, from receipt to payment.
- Electronic Invoice Archiving: Ensure secure, compliant storage of electronic invoices for easy retrieval and audit trails.
Procurement & Supply Chain Management
- Contracts Management: Manage procurement contracts efficiently from creation to renewal or termination.
- Tenders Documentation Management: Organize and handle tender-related documents systematically for transparency and compliance.
- Legal Case Management: Manage case-related documents in a structured and secure manner.
- Litigations Documentation Management and Automation: Streamline the collection and management of litigation documents with automated workflows.
Administration / Facilities Management
- Digital Mailroom Automation: Automate the sorting and distribution of incoming mail for improved efficiency.
- Property Portfolio Documentation Management: Maintain and manage documents related to property holdings systematically.
Sample Departmental Solutions
Manage compliance risks related to audits and
investigations with our solution for eDiscovery
This solution profile for Docs2Cloud, powered by SEAL, presents a groundbreaking approach to enterprise content management (ECM), tailored for the modern digital
The whitepaper on Governance Regulatory Compliance provides a comprehensive overview of the principles, practices, and strategies organizations need to adhere to in
The whitepaper “Unlocking the Power of Content Consolidation” outlines the transformative impact of content consolidation on businesses. It addresses the challenges posed
This whitepaper delves into the pressing need for modernizing content management in today’s digital era, highlighting the inadequacies of traditional Enterprise Content